April 25, 2007

Ten Reasons

Here's the top ten reasons why I haven't blogged in a while...

10. It took me 13 days to get adjusted back to Minnesota time. It truly does take a day for each hour of time difference...Taiwan is 13 hours ahead.

9. The temperature has been above 50 for two consecutive weeks allowing us to go outside again and thus making it possible to raise children in Minnesota.

8. Taxes. Need I say more?

7. Easter. Family gatherings. Need I say more?

6. Ila has been practicing riding her new bike and learning her routine for her first dance recital to a snappy little tune called "Barnyard Boogie".

5. Not that there's any money left after paying taxes, but why not build a deck and fence in the backyard?

4. Halle Berry pissed me off. When asked in an interview if she was going to adopt, she replied, "I'd like to have my own". One week later Penelope Cruz said the same thing. Does that mean that Ya-Ya belongs to someone else?

3. We've been praying for our first ruling.

2. Oh ya, Scott got a blood clot in his leg after the long flight back from Taiwan and spent the day in the emergency room and now is on blood thinners for the next 6 months. Good thing we got that life insurance policy squared away before the trip.

1. Ruby Ya-Hui Nimerfro. Yes, we have decided on a name! And, yes, our parents don't like it. And we are busy finalizing everything for her arrival.

Here's some new pics and video...



taiwanbaby said...

Love RUBY!!!!!!!!!! When you get her home, everyone will say "Of course you named her Ruby, she is totally a Ruby!!"

meow said...

OH Man! Lani!
These pics are lovely!
Thanks for sharing more of sweet
little Ruby Ya-Hui.
How could anyone not like that name??? It's lovely. Dont' let anyone tell you otherwise. They will love it once they meet her and fall in love with her, i'm sure!
Love! That dance recital outfit!!
Go Barnyard Ila! reminds me of sadie hawkins. Now we need to hear some court new from you guys!

Sarah said...

I think the name Ruby is absolutely beautiful. If the parents aren't liking keeping her Chinese name as a middle name, obviously they aren't as well read as you are about the importance of names and identity for adoptees.

I've been worried about you guys, wondering if something was wrong. DVTs are a big deal. Protime tests to check Coumadin levels are no fun. Hopefully you'll get that all straightened out before the return trip to Taiwan.

Amy, Ryan, Aidan and Lauren said...

Love the pictures, love the video, loved your top ten list, and LOVE Ruby! I am so glad Scott is OK, that is super scary!

Anonymous said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the name Ruby:) Thanks for the update. Love all the photos and especially love the one of you and Ruby looking up towards the camera. Ila's dance outfit is toooo stinking cute:)


Anonymous said...

Love the name!!! Ila looks absolutely hilarious ... like she's auditioning for Hee Haw Honeys! Joan

Anonymous said...

Love the new pics of Ila and Ruby! Ila is so cute in her dance outfit - very stylin'!

As for name Ruby, it just seems to fit her perfectly. The name is as beautiful as she is! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh My! You have been busy.

The name Ruby is perfect, perfect, perfect...by the way.

And the picture of "Barnyard Ila" on the front bench is darn-tootin' fabulous. Can I get a good copy?

Did I see you write that their is a fence in the future? Now I will finally be able to sleep at night:)

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you Lani. I'm so glad you guys home safe and enjoyed your trip! I can't wait to see you this week. I almost screamed with excitement when my mom told me you guys are comming this week!!
Ruby is a wonderful name for Ya-Ya and I can't wait to meet her and welcome her to the family! You are absolutally amazing and I'm so blessed to have a big cousin like you =] i ♥ you!

Anonymous said...

YAY!! You're getting your deck!!!

I-Chwen said...

Ruby is a lovely name! The pictures are just adorable, you probably look at them everyday!?

Also hooray the first ruling - Ruby will be home very soon!